【音樂影片為何在山嶽上取景呢?導演會叫這三位美女大費周章地爬上高山,想必是因為,山嶽暗示了人的毅力與奮鬥精神】 Hold on I know this pain. (我懂你的苦)
Why do you lock yourself up in this chain? (但你為什麼要用痛苦困住自己?) No one can change life except for you. (只有你自己,才能改變自己的人生) Don't ever let anyone step over you. (永遠不要讓任何人踐踏你) Just open your heart and mind. (你可以打開你的心胸) Is't really fair to feel this way inside? (你覺得你非要抱著受害者心態才能生活嗎?) Some day some body is gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye. (你是自由的,你不快樂的時候,你隨時可以掉頭離開) Until that baby are you gonna let them hold you down and make you cry. (但是在你離開放棄之前,不要讓任何人傷害你、也不要為他們掉一滴眼淚) Don't you know things can change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day. (我告訴你,如果你再堅持下去,一切都會改變,每件事都會好轉的) Hold on for one more day, things are gonna go away. (再堅持一天,一定有撥雲見日的一天) You could sustain. (你可以支持下去的) Or are you more comfortable with the pain? (或者你寧願和痛苦糾纏一生?) You got no one to blame for your unhapiness. (沒有人會對你快不快樂負責) You got yourself into your own mess. (你造成了自己的實相) Just letting your worries pass you by. (你不要抓住你的煩惱,讓它們過去) Don't you think it's worth the time to change your mind. (你不覺得,學著改變自己的心態,是值得的嗎?)
Some day some body is gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye. (你是自由的,你不快樂的時候,你隨時可以掉頭離開) Until that baby are you gonna let them hold you down and make you cry. (但是在你離開放棄之前,不要讓任何人傷害你、也不要為他們掉一滴眼淚) Don't you know things can change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day. (我告訴你,如果你再堅持下去,一切都會改變,每件事都會好轉的) Hold on for one more day, things are gonna go away. (再堅持一天,一定有撥雲見日的一天) Wilson Phillips ,來自美國的洛杉磯,發光的年代應該是在 '80-'00 紅 頭髮的兩位姐妹花,卡妮.威爾森(Carnie Wilson) 與溫蒂.威爾森(Wendy Wilson) 是海灘男孩 (Beach Boy) 團員布萊恩.威爾森 (Brian Wilson) 的女兒; 金髮的綺娜.菲力普(Chynna Phillips)則是 爸爸媽媽合唱團 (The Mamas and Papas) 夫妻檔的女兒。 值得一提的是,三個女人都是歌喉好,人又美,擅長優美的合聲。不過,因為金髮美女的綺娜總是目光的焦點,而且卡妮因為體重問題,光彩稍微黯淡了,有些歌迷甚至懷疑卡妮和溫蒂在台上到底有沒有在唱歌呀? 其實仔細聽這首歌,我發現果真是綺娜負責的樂句最多,卡妮和溫蒂果然是在關鍵的時刻出來配合一下,哼唱兩句…… 這首歌,最初據說是作者寫給深受酒癮所苦的母親。 因為,在戒酒過程中的每一天,再多堅持一天就算勝利!
【建議:男性觀眾仔細欣賞金髮綺娜,她曾獲選為全球百大美女之一】 【音樂影片為何在山嶽上取景呢?導演會叫這三位美女大費周章地爬上高山,想必是因為,山嶽暗示了人的毅力與奮鬥精神】
Hold on
I know this pain. (我懂你的苦)
Why do you lock yourself up in this chain? (但你為什麼要用痛苦困住自己?)
No one can change life except for you. (只有你自己,才能改變自己的人生)
Don't ever let anyone step over you. (永遠不要讓任何人踐踏你)
Just open your heart and mind. (你可以打開你的心胸)
Is't really fair to feel this way inside? (你覺得你非要抱著受害者心態才能生活嗎?)
Some day some body is gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye. (你是自由的,你不快樂的時候,你隨時可以掉頭離開)
Until that baby are you gonna let them hold you down and make you cry. (但是在你離開放棄之前,不要讓任何人傷害你、也不要為他們掉一滴眼淚)
Don't you know things can change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day. (我告訴你,如果你再堅持下去,一切都會改變,每件事都會好轉的)
Hold on for one more day, things are gonna go away. (再堅持一天,一定有撥雲見日的一天)
You could sustain. (你可以支持下去的)
Or are you more comfortable with the pain? (或者你寧願和痛苦糾纏一生?)
You got no one to blame for your unhapiness. (沒有人會對你快不快樂負責)
You got yourself into your own mess. (你造成了自己的實相)
Just letting your worries pass you by. (你不要抓住你的煩惱,讓它們過去)
Don't you think it's worth the time to change your mind. (你不覺得,學著改變自己的心態,是值得的嗎?)
Some day some body is gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye. (你是自由的,你不快樂的時候,你隨時可以掉頭離開)
Until that baby are you gonna let them hold you down and make you cry. (但是在你離開放棄之前,不要讓任何人傷害你、也不要為他們掉一滴眼淚)
Don't you know things can change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day. (我告訴你,如果你再堅持下去,一切都會改變,每件事都會好轉的)
Hold on for one more day, things are gonna go away. (再堅持一天,一定有撥雲見日的一天)
Wilson Phillips ,來自美國的洛杉磯,發光的年代應該是在 '80-'00
紅 頭髮的兩位姐妹花,卡妮.威爾森(Carnie Wilson) 與溫蒂.威爾森(Wendy Wilson) 是海灘男孩 (Beach Boy) 團員布萊恩.威爾森 (Brian Wilson) 的女兒; 金髮的綺娜.菲力普(Chynna Phillips)則是 爸爸媽媽合唱團 (The Mamas and Papas) 夫妻檔的女兒。
下一篇:勵志點唱機(2)-Live Like You Were Dying
Wilson Phillips is BACK !!! and still HOLDing ON : )