2010年12月10日 星期五

Father to Son-Phil Collins (中文歌詞)

Father to Son
原唱者:Phil Collins

  【讀者若發現影片遭停用、不能播放,歡迎留言檢舉】 Somewhere down the road, you're gonna find a place (在這條路上,有一個安全的休息站) It seems so far, but it never is (當你需要它時,會感覺它離你很遠,但其實不會)  You won't need to stay, but you might lose your strength on the way (你在路上會覺得疲倦,你需要休息片刻,那是正常的不過別休息太久)  Sometimes you may feel you're the only one (有時候,你會覺得在成長的路上很孤獨)  Cos all the things you thought were safe, now they're gone (因為你曾認為安全的東西,最後都會離你而去) This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion (本歌詞由三分鐘熱度部落格翻譯) But you won't be alone, I'll be here to carry you along (不過你不是孤單一人,因為我會一直在)  Watching you 'til all your work is done (我會看著你完成夢想)  When you find your heart, you'd better run with it (當你發現她時,你應該趕快去追求) Cos when she comes along, she could be breaking it (因為機會總是稍縱即逝) No there's nothing wrong, you're learning to be strong (你也會犯錯,但是這就是學習,你也會越來越堅強)  Don't look back (不要回頭看,往前去就是了)   She may soon be gone, no don't look back (她不會永遠等待你,你要把握眼前的她)  She's not the only one, remember that (不過,你要記住,就算得不到她也沒關係,天涯何處無芳草?)   

If your heart is beating fast, then you know she's right (如果你看到她時,感覺心跳加速,那她應該就是屬於你的)  If you don't know what to say, well, that's all right (你感覺腦袋一片空白,也很正常) You don't know what to do? (你不知道看到她該怎麼辦嗎?)   Remember she is just as scared as you (記住,沒什麼好怕的,其實她也和你一樣緊張)  Don't be shy, even when it hurts to say (不要害羞了,雖然我知道向她告白很可怕)  Remember, you're gonna get hurt someday, anyway (記住,不論如何,你一定會受傷,這就是成長) Then you must lift your head, keep it there (就算受了傷,你還是要抬頭挺胸,繼續堅持下去)  All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original (三分鐘熱度部落格內,所有翻譯歌詞皆為原創譯作) Remember what I said (記住我說的) I'll always be with you don't forget (我會在你身邊,千萬別忘記這點)  Just look over your shoulder I'll be there. (當你覺得脆弱時,看看自己的肩膀,我會在那裡)  If you look behind you, I will be there. (再看看你的後面,我就在那裡) 這首歌收錄在Phil Collins 1989年的專輯,....But Seriously, 這張專輯中有他的代表作之一 Another Day in Paradise, 但是這首Father to Son, 卻很少被人提起。 Phil Collins 用低吟絮語來唱出Father to Son 這首歌,聽起來像是父親對兒子的悄悄話,這也許象徵了男人間,表達情感時的含蓄吧。 英國的國王合唱團 (King Singers),也曾用無伴奏 (Accapella)的唱法詮釋過這首作品。 女人心,海底針;男人心,海底深。當男人第一次面對心儀的女人之時,心中的興奮、壓抑、失措還有狂喜交錯著。這個時候,男人會發生什麼事情,真是無法預測。 原來,男人間代代相傳的家訓就是:對每一個男人來說,他人生中面對的第一個危險,就是當他這一生,第一次看到喜歡的女孩之時。 
本站「西洋歌詞翻譯」總覽,請參閱: 歌詞翻譯大帝國(索引篇)
欲知更多Phil Collins的歌詞翻譯,請繼續閱讀: Invisible Touch-Genesis(中文歌詞) In Your Eyes-Peter Gabriel(中文歌詞) Living Years-Mike and the Mechanics(中文歌詞) Father to Son-Phil Collins(中文歌詞) You Can't Hurry Love-Phil Collins(中文歌詞) 和三分鐘熱度一起爆發小宇宙,在FACEBOOK按「讚」就對了!  按下面這個「讚」,把本文分享給Facebook上的朋友。


