原唱者:Maroon 5
【Sorry, Live版沒有空姐亂舞】
I wake up with blood-shot eyes
Struggled to memorize the way it felt between your thighs
Struggled to memorize the way it felt between your thighs
Pleasure that made you cry
Feels so good to be bad
Not worth the aftermath, after that After that, try to get you back
I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a f_ck about you
Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try, yeah
So this is goodbye
Not worth the aftermath, after that After that, try to get you back
I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a f_ck about you
Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try, yeah
So this is goodbye
God damn I'm standing here
Decisions that made my bed, now I must lay in it
【註:You made my bed, you lie in it是一句俗諺,意思是自作自受】
And deal with things I left unsaid
Decisions that made my bed, now I must lay in it
【註:You made my bed, you lie in it是一句俗諺,意思是自作自受】
And deal with things I left unsaid
I want to dive into you
Bloggers of Three-minute Passion
Forget what you're going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth
Forget what you're going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth
I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a f_ck about you
I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a f_ck about you
And it's over, heard the feeling
But I don't believe it's true anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
But I don't believe it's true anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
I've been here before
One day a week
And it won't hurt anymore
One day a week
And it won't hurt anymore
You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi
The words you say don't have a meaning
I have no alibi
The words you say don't have a meaning
Cause I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a f_ck about you
and I...and so this is goodbye
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a f_ck about you
and I...and so this is goodbye
更多歌詞,請看本站的歌詞索引文: 歌詞翻譯大帝國(索引篇)

欲知更多Maroon 5歌詞翻譯,請繼續閱讀:
This Love-Maroon 5(中文歌詞)
She Will be Loved-Maroon 5(中文歌詞)
和三分鐘熱度一起聽歌,在FACEBOOK按「讚」 或加入「Google+」就對了!
回覆刪除真他x的 皮在癢~
版主回覆:(06/05/2011 03:46:12 AM)
主唱本人Adam Levine 倒是輕描淡寫,還拗說這首歌,是他受『美國出兵伊拉克』的政治現象所啟發而寫,屁啦!哈哈
我想推薦robert palmer的
Simply Irresistible
版主回覆:(05/27/2011 08:29:43 AM)
這首歌傳達出一個現象:有一些男人,會不斷地尋找外遇,這大概是所謂的性上癮症(Sex Addicted),大概是在講老虎伍茲喔?
Simply Irresistible我今天也在廣播裡聽到耶!
Press "Like" to Maroon 5 :)
回覆刪除版主回覆:(05/27/2011 08:33:39 AM)
主唱Adam Levines 太帥了啊!這個團幾乎只有這個人是存在的?其他的人好像都是會彈樂器的機器人喔?