
2011年5月31日 星期二

Straight from the Heart-Bryan Adams(中文歌詞)


Straight from the Heart
原唱者:Bryan Adams

【因為是Live版,所以Bryan Adams先說感言,音樂從第三十秒才開始】

I could start dreamin' but it'd never end

As long as you're gone we may as well pretend

I've been dreamin'

Straight from the heart

You said it's easy but who's to say

That we'd be able to keep it this way

But it's easier

Comin' straight from the heart

Give it to me straight from the heart


All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

Tell me we can make another start

You know I'll never go - as long as I know

It's comin' straight from the heart

I'll see you on the street some other time

And all our words would just fall outta line

While we're dreamin' Straight from the heart

This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion

Give it to me straight from the heart

Tell me we can make one more start

You know I'll never go - as long as I know

It's comin' straight from the heart


欲知更多 Bryan Adams歌詞翻譯,請繼續閱讀本站:
Summer of '69-Bryan Adams (中文歌詞)

Heaven-Bryan Adams(中文歌詞)



2 則留言:

  1. 布萊恩亞當斯~~他沙啞的歌聲嘶吼的唱腔~我超愛的阿~
    Cuts Like A Knife ~我這張專輯的"卡帶"還在耶~哈哈XD
    版主回覆:(06/07/2011 01:09:16 AM)
    您這卷Cut Like A Knife卡帶年代久遠,應該歸類為『保育類』啦。

  2. 喔I like BA too.那格主應該也喜歡阿杜吧(不喜歡的話請見諒XD)
    版主回覆:(06/01/2011 05:28:29 AM)
    哈哈,阿杜贏Bryan Adams多囉,至少年紀就贏一大截!不過Bryan Adams 老得也滿帥的!

