
2011年9月13日 星期二

It's a Heartache-Bonnie Tyler(中文歌詞)


It's a Heartache
原唱者:Bonnie Tyler


It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache

Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down

It's a fools' game, nothing but a fool's game

Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache

Love him 'till your arms break, then he'll let you down

This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion

It ain't right with love to share


When you find he doesn't care for you

It ain't wise to need someone as much as I depended on you

Oh, it's heartache, nothing but a heartache

All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down

It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game

Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

It ain't right with love to share

When you find he doesn't care for you

It ain't wise to need someone as much as I depended on you




1 則留言:

  1. 謝謝你,喜歡西洋歌曲的我,英文卻超爛,有了你貼切的翻譯,讓我更愛西洋歌曲了。

